Sunday, September 25, 2005


I really feel blessed. I mean really feel it right now. It's not that I haven't been blessed throughout my life. I know I have, but for perhaps the first time I really feel and see the blessings and am truly thankful. I have been blessed with family and friends, good jobs, a house and the necessities of life, and in so many other ways. Although I've had my share of struggles, I can really see how God has provided and I am so very thankful. There have been times where I've wanted to shout at the top of my lungs "Give me a break!" And though I may have not shouted it, I have said that a time or two. And I've found that when I've needed it, the break comes. Something unexpected happens. I know He has been working in my life for a while now. I know God is listening. I've wondered for some time, but I think the problem was more with me than God. The thing is that I wasn't listening very well. But I am at least starting to hear and understand His will for me.

I have a sponsor for RCIA. Carol, the lady I first contacted about it and have connected with, has volunteered to do it. I am so pleased. I was talking with her this morning and had mentioned that I still needed a sponsor and she said that she had wanted to do it. I wanted to ask her, but thought that she might have been too busy with everything going on. But she said she really wanted to and she felt very connected to me. I knew God would provide and he certainly did. I couldn't ask for a more wonderful person to sponsor me.

I am enjoying the class on the Bible I am taking with Father Phan. I ordered my book that I need to read, but it hasn't arrived yet. We are studying the book of Luke and I am really enjoying getting into a lot of the background of the Bible and I look forward to learning more.

I think that my decision to join the Catholic Church has been so very wonderful for me. I feel that my life is finally headed in the right direction and I am becoming a better person because of it. I know that others still question my decision, but the fact is that it is mine. I do not regret it. And I've actually found much more support in my decision than I have dissention. Again, blessings abound.

1 comment:

~pen~ said...

sweetie, any questions you have, if you would like answers to or need an opinion on, i could be your cyber-sponsor :) i am a presenter for r.c.i.a. and have been for three years. if i don't know the answer, i am also the queen of google search.

(i feel like i am submitting my resume!)

keep posting about your experiences - i think i am going to add to my sidebar links of the folks who are on the road to Rome so people can pray for you, too...

be blessed.