This was a very nice Christmas this year. A bit rushed, but still good. Christmas Eve Mass was simply amazing. The music was awesome and I didn't even squeak on my clarinet. I also did fairly well singing, other than an early entrance on
Do You Hear What I Hear? It was two hours long when you counted the music that started at 6:30, but it didn't seem that long by any means. I still love going to Mass and was happy to have Josh be there. He asked several questions afterwards and made a similar comment that I did after my early visits to mass saying that the service itself seemed more "religious" than other churches. I think overall he enjoyed it. I don't know if he'll return, but the choir director is going to be his piano teacher starting in January so who knows where that will go.
I received two very special gifts this Christmas. My RCIA sponsor and good friend, Carol, gave me a beautiful white beaded rosary that has images of famous basilicas in the "Our Father" beads. It has been blest by both the Pope and our local Bishop. I am very pleased to have it and hope to use it soon. My sister, who I could write an entire blog about her "religion", gave me a beautiful Catholic family Bible. Although I have a strong opinion about her church, it is nice that she supports my decision to become Catholic by giving me such a beautiful Bible.
Now I'm home for a few days and perhaps I'll be able to get more posts soon.
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